How Do I…?

Make an appointment?

To make an appointment phone 053-9422267.

Get a blood test?

Most blood tests need to be taken in the morning. Ask for a morning weekday appointment for a blood test.

Get a Repeat Prescription?

We have changed how we deal with prescription requests. You no longer have to send in a paper request or come to the surgery to collect your regular prescription. Patients on long-term medication can now request their repeat prescription directly from this website. When you have sent the request to us we will prepare the prescription and send that to the pharmacy of your choice. You will only need to come to the surgery if you require tests or if you need an examination to check on your condition. Click here to use this service.

Please allow 5 working days before contacting your pharmacy to arrange collection/delivery of your medication.

*Please note that for private patients there is a €25 charge for repeat prescriptions.

Get to the surgery?

We are on The Avenue, at the Railway end. We are on the upper floor in Gorey Shopping Centre (Dunnes Stores Shopping Centre).

There is free car parking. The building is wheelchair accessible.

Provide feedback?

If you would like to give us feedback, please speak to the Practice Manager.

If you are not happy with the service, please tell us as soon as possible.

We try to provide good care but sometimes we may not meet your expectations or needs. If this happens please tell us and we will do our best to meet your needs. The Practice has a complaints procedure if required.

Get a medical card?

To find out more information about applying for a Medical Card or to renew your Medical Card please click here.

Claim for Medical Expenses?

Certain medical expenses can be claimed against tax. Click here for more information from the Revenue website on how to claim.

Register with the Practice?

We are not taking on new patients at this time.